AIA Bangkok Bridging the Divide

Published on 1 Oct 2018

We ran the Bridging the Divide programme for AIA in Bangkok back in July and the whole event went very well. Each individual gets into their allocated team and they work together in accomplishing 2 bridges which will in the end form one larger bridge connected with other bridges built by other teams.

The reason this programme outcome is effective is because each individual faces situations similar to our daily routine. Sometimes we are grouped with people we either never met with before or individuals who have certain qualities that doesn’t sit well with others. Despite this being a 2-hour programme, a lot of things can be shown and the one thing we encourage is through communication.

We found that communication is the number one thing that continuously needs working at because it’s definitely not always smooth sailing in business. With Bridging the Divide, it is able to encourage communication, what works for others and what doesn’t, and thus find the quality that fits in with each individual.

Another quality we found very useful after going through Bridging the Divide programme is that fellow team mates should always seek help no matter where you stand in the industry. It is generally hard to ask for help for some people, but speaking out and seeking it will overall show a big difference. In Asia, this is hard to do and it is probably the way we were brought up in schools – the mocking, the teasing and insults for not knowing a simple task could possibly be the drive for not being able to speak up. This programme however, encourages everyone to seek assistance not just from their own team mates but from other teams as well as facilitators.

Collaboration is another work-in-progress that each person should learn to do. To some people it could be the easiest thing, and to some it’s the hardest. This programme shines out brightly when facilitators announce that the bridges they have built within their team will be joint together as one that requires ensuring the measurements for bridges should be accurate for it to join with the next bridge. Our facilitators encourage each person from a team to find out who the bridge connected to theirs are and that is where the collaboration works.

The last one is definitely letting loose! Don’t take things too seriously! Have fun, enjoy the moment no matter how tough it gets. Everyone is learning and everyone is learning something new. If someone makes a mistake, laugh it off and guide them further until that team member understands. If not, you know there’s no harm in seeking help.

Teambuilding may consist in fun and games, but if seen in a deeper level, there are lots of messages thrown into each activity. Our facilitators will definitely mention it during de-brief after the activity concludes and we love hearing feedback afterwards.

We have worked with AIA Bangkok many times and we love working with them every year to help their team become better team players.

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