wiiam-the journey of virtual teambuilding

The Journey of Virtual Team Building

Published on 21 Oct 2020 by David Powell

remote logos-the journey of virtual teambuilding

Asia Ability has been driving development and delivery of engaging remote team building over recent months. As much of the world quickly moved from initial travel restrictions to lockdown creating a rapid pivot to remote home-working the meeting, conference and of course teambuilding events that were scheduled were all cancelled or postponed to an unknown date. Fortunately for Asia Ability we are a founder member of the Catalyst Global teambuilding network which consists of 50 of the very best team building providers from around the world and we found ourselves collaborating more than ever as we all found ourselves facing similar challenge. The resulting innovation has been rapid and unprecedented – with new VIRTUAL programs brought from the concept meeting to client delivery in days and weeks rather than months which was the norm previously.

As companies team members settled into a new norm of remote working over the last few months some clients have recognised both the need for and the powerful impact of high quality, engaging teambuilding activities all be it conducted on a Zoom, Webex or MS Teams video call. By integrating innovative technology, including our award winning custom built Go Team APP, into the remote activities team members still collaborate, communicate, compete and importantly enjoy a shared experience. Asia Ability has successfully delivered Remote Team Building for a range of clients for groups from 8 to 180 delegates in sessions from 30 minutes to 3 hours. One of the most popular events has been an adaptation of our award winning Virtual Reality team event, The Infinite Loop, to be able to be played remotely. The online version has teams of 4 members use their own computers to login a virtual world and need to collaborate and communicate to solve puzzles and overcome virtual challenges all within a very tight time frame. The events are conducted by our expert facilitators who carefully structure the review sessions to ensure powerful learning that is directly transferable to the delegates work teams.

David Powell

Managing Director

The Managing Director of Asia Ability Sdn Bhd (Malaysia) and Asia Ability Training Pte Ltd (Singapore).

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