ability virtual kick off to an exceptional 2021

Ability Virtual Kick Off To An Exceptional 2021

Published on 12 Jan 2021 by Jessica Ho

It’s 2021..! Where did the time go??

It’s amazing how fast each year comes to an end and a new one starts again. As you know, 2020 was a hugely challenging year. A great battle that caught us off guard. But hey, look at us! We’ve survived and are coming back stronger.

2021 is not a year to rest on your oars, not a year to be complacent because of the level of ‘success’ you have achieved so far, it is a year for doing more. There is still so much work to be done no matter what your life vocation is. In every stages of work (or life), there will be times where we’ll feel a little ‘burn out’ and our body (and mind) yearns for a break.

And when that happens, this is where your teammates come into the picture. As the new year kicks in, it is the best time for us to reflect, refresh, be inspired and motivated by one another. There’s great power from the people around us (even if virtually around us on the Zoom screen at the moment!) to inspire and uplift each other. It can be hard to consistently hold yourself accountable. So having others you can lean on and whom both support and challenge you is vital. Furthermore, there are fantastic opportunities here for mindshare and collaboration, which can accelerate your journey towards your (and others) goals.

Transformational Positive Action Takers

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We had the privilege of hearing from a leading change speaker, Tim Wade who spoke during our Virtual Kickoff 2021 session last week. Tim totally engaged and inspired us all to TAKE POSITIVE ACTIONS towards CHANGING OURSELVES both personally and professionally. And in line with our theme for 2021 – BEING EXCEPTIONAL to THRIVE in the NEW WORLD, Tim shared insights and tips to pave the pathway in attaining this. Great stories and motivational experiences were shared which inspired the team and by the end of his talk – everyone was feeling BUZZED and ENERGIZED! WE ALL LOVED HIS SESSION! It was also a great reinforcement that powerful learning, learning and team development is still highly effective in our new Virtual World !

Key points shared were:-

  • TAKING POSITIVE ACTION – making things happen! Having the MINDSET of ACCOMPLISHING the TASK! And gaining positive ripple effects from it!
  • GAMIFYING OUR AND OUR CLIENTS BUSINESSES – which is already our forte, so we should UP OUR GAME EVEN MORE!
  • VISION of WINNING – Setting the intention to SUCCEED. Asking oneself WHAT is MY PURPOSE and HOW am I going to ATTAIN MY GOAL?
  • RULE 15 - the importance of checking in ONE-ON-ONE with our colleagues every week for 6 weeks – POSITIVE ENGAGEMENT and BEING SUPPORTIVE – HELPING ONE ANOTHER to ALL WIN!
  • SETTING MICRO MILESTONES – mini movements towards successfully ACHIEVING THE GOAL!

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While the real change happens in the micro-steps by committing to your goals, it’s also a good idea to look ahead at the big dreams on the horizon. Spend some time reflecting together on the changes you need to make to shift onto the right track for the transformation that’s to come.

Jessica Ho

Marketing Manager

Brings passion and energy to all that she does including producing valuable and engaging content to attract targeted groups.

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